Terms of use
 Website Terms of Use
 The Website terms of use explain the rules and conditions that must be followed when using the "Website / Site". The Terms of Use should be read carefully. If you do not accept the Terms of Use stated here, do not use the Website and its services.
By using the Website, you accept, declare and undertake that you accept the content of these Terms of Use and that you will abide by the Terms of Use.
Farah Group Tourism Tic. Ltd. Ltd. ("farahtour.com") reserves the right to change any services, products, conditions of use of the site and the information provided on the site, reorganize the Site, and stop publication without prior notice. Changes take effect immediately upon publication on the Site.
These changes are deemed to have been accepted upon the User's use of or access to the Site. These conditions also apply to other linked web pages. All members and users of the Site are obliged to visit this page periodically to review the Terms of Use, as they are legally bound by these rules and conditions.
 The site is operated by the Company to act as an intermediary in the delivery of hotel and flight reservations, scheduled and charter flight ticket and hotel sales related to tourism services, car rental, transfer and holiday packages, various promotions in this field and similar services to the Users.
Company: Farah Group Turizm Tic. Ltd. It refers to Şti.
Website / Site: Farah Group Turizm Tic. Ltd. Şti.'s Website: www. It refers to farahtour.com.
Member: Farah Group Turizm Tic. Ltd. In order to use the services mediated by www.farahtour.com, which is the Website of Farah Group Turizm Tic. Ltd. Ltd. It refers to the Tourism Travel Agencies and other Institutions and Organizations registered with Türsab, who are members of www.farahtour.com through the Electronic Agency Agreement with.
 User: Farah Group Turizm Tic. Ltd. Ltd. By signing an Electronic Agency Agreement with www. It refers to member users of farahtour.com, Tourism Travel Agency registered with Türsab and other Institutions / Organizations.
Customer: Farah Group Turizm Tic. Ltd. It refers to the persons and institutions that purchase and/or use the service, where the services offered by the company through its Website and Call Center are sold and/or booked by its member users.
Call Center: Farah Group Turizm Tic. Ltd. It refers to the unit that provides 24/7 support service to Member Users of Şti. for the services mediated through the Website, following the receipt of the service from the relevant service providers.

 It is mandatory for the Member to provide accurate information (Username, Surname, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.) during registration, otherwise the Company will not be responsible for any damages that may arise.
 He accepts, declares and undertakes that he is responsible for ensuring the security of Member and User passwords. The Company cannot be held responsible for Member and User passwords, membership accounts and user names being obtained by third parties.
 The Member and the User agree to change their passwords in case their passwords present risky situations in terms of security (such as when the User leaves the job, relocation of the branch and/or member center, etc.), and to notify the Company immediately if they become aware of any unauthorized use. He accepts, declares and undertakes that he will not hold the Company responsible for any damages that have occurred or may occur.
 Member and User agree that their contact information (GSM number, e-mail address, etc.) may be used by the Company to be informed about other products to be provided by the Company, informational e-mail regarding the field of activity or services offered, or to be notified of updates on the Website. declares and undertakes.
 The member can cancel his/her membership at any time by giving written notice. However, any rights arising from the services provided before membership cancellation are reserved by the Company.
 The Member acknowledges, declares and undertakes that he/she is responsible for all transactions carried out by his/her Users on the Site.
 The Member accepts, declares and undertakes that the Terms and Conditions of Use and www.farahtour.com E-Agency contract provisions are valid together with the users from the moment they become a member of the Site.
If the Company detects a violation of these Site Terms of Use and the www.farahtour.com E-Agency Agreement, or if a complaint is received regarding these violations or if there is a suspicion in this regard, the Member and the User may not use the Website without any notice. may prevent its use in any way or remove it from membership.
Member and User accept, declare and undertake that their membership will continue if they fulfill all Terms of Use. In this state